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January 13, 2025, En Fuego

January 7, 2025, It’s Not Our Lying Eyes

January 5, 2025, Lies of a Nature We’ve Heard Before

December 20, Seeing red, and finding blue (photo essay)

December 11, Slouching toward Sedona

December 10, Frost on the window, ice on the creek (photo gallery)

December 8, Eyes wide open, please….

December 3, The shape of the bruise

November 29, The life of Brian, and other stories…

November 26, Born to be brown (photo essay)

November 22, To survivors, none of this is has felt surprising

November 21, A blue state with deep red ironies

November 18, Yes, Virginia, there is Virtue in the world (still)

November 15, A House call, of sorts…

November 13, Critters (photo essay)

November 10, America, behind the moon

November 7, Gobsmacked

November 5, Let’s take a Walk (photo essay)

November 3, Two phone calls and a blow to the head

October 30, Wide awake in Seattle

October 28, Democracy dies in staff meetings

October 26, Wrens (and friends) (photo essay)

October 24, The crocodile in the recliner

October 22, Al French in the PFAS corn maze

October 19, Ramiro’s question and stories from a tumultuous week

October 13, Florida, a postscript

October 10, Time in a small bottle

October 1, A Respite in the Scablands, and addressing Journalism’s Achilles Heel

September 25, The Year of the Cat


The medicine of ethereal light, for the long nights of winter

Some dates I don’t have to write down. One is whatever day it is in early spring that I get my first glimpse of a wild balsamroot bud about to burst open, like an exploding kernel of popcorn. From the inception of erupting balsamroot, spring in the inland Northwest unfolds, operatically, as green replaces brown, and yellows, purples, and cremes come into bloom, often in riots of color. All other things being equal, it’s a happier time to be here, all the more so if you’re a photographer.

On the back end, another date I don’t write down is November 1st, a day that (at least for me) brings an icy gust announcing the coming darkness of winter, with mats of fallen leaves damming the storm drains. The outdoor swimmer in me has to leave the water to avert hypothermia, the cook in me turns to soups, the writer to wistful messages like this one, and the photographer sulks, cleans the refrigerator and tries to catch up on his reading.


There are antidotes and among them are the images that follow—the dances of solar light on the Ice Age-deposited cobbles and boulders strewn on the bed of the Spokane River. Honestly, they’re not just in the river. They’re all around us in Spokane. It’s just that most are hidden beneath a thin blanket of Holocene topsoil. In some places, the current of the river cleans both the grit and the algae—exposing the colors of the ancient mudstones, gneisses, schists, and granites that originate in the mountains of British Columbia, Idaho, and Montana. To be sure, there are lumps of home-grown, black basalt in the mix—but not as many as you’d expect. The epic imports of great flood cobbles dominate. Add sunlight and a camera and, voila!— an over-the-counter antidote to the long, dark nights ahead. (For purchase inquiries, send inquiries to me through the comment panel or at

A Blue Note
Who Knows Where We’ve Been
The Brilliant Resilience
Whence it Came
Rainbow Salad
The Nursery
The Cosmos

Beautiful Wounds, the Gallery Images

The Beautiful Wounds gallery images from 2022. Order inquiries–

Upon Arrival, 30×50 paper/gatorboard, $430

Upon Arrival

Leaving Judith Pool, 16×20 metal, $320

Leaving Judith Pool

Raindrops on Lupine, 20×30 metal, $600

Raindrops on lupine

Showtime, 16×20 metal, $320


Liquid Hoedown, 16×20 metal, $320

Liquid Hoedown

My Valentine, 16×24 metal, $384

My Valentine

Remind Me, 20×30 metal, $600

Remind Me

Hooded merganser in flight, 11×14 metal, $154

Hooded merganser in flight

The Sky You and I Share, 24×36, paper on gatorboard, $300

The Sky You and I Share

The Ice Fan, 16×20 metal, $320

The Ice Fan

Devil’s Toenail, 16×24 metal, $384

Devil’s Toenail

Blue Darner Dragonfly, 16×20 metal, $320

Blue Darner Dragonfly

Beyond Cellular Service, 16×20 metal, $320

Beyond cellular service

Kings & Lupine, 24×36 paper on gatorboard, $265

Kings & Lupine

The Feathers in February, 24×36 paper on gatorboard, $300

The Feathers in February

A Point of Defiance, 16×20 metal, $320

A Point of Defiance

The Cosmos, 16×20 metal, $320

The Cosmos

The Falls at Hawk Creek, 30×24 metal, $720

The Falls at Hawk Creek

Heart of Dry Coulee, 24×48 paper on gatorboard, $500

Heart of Dry Coulee

Ramparts at Moses Coulee, 12×24 metal, $288

Ramparts at Moses Coulee

Golden Guys, 10×20 metal, $200

Golden Guys

Footbridge to an Afterlife, 16×24 metal, $384

Footbridge to an Afterlife

Ice Maze, 16×20 metal, $320

Ice Maze

At the Turn, 16×24 metal, $384

At the Turn

Both Sides of the Falls, 24×36 paper on gatorboard, $300

Both Sides of the Falls

Paint the Wall, 16×24 metal, $384

Paint the Wall

HU Ranch Coulee, 12×24 metal, $288

HU Ranch Coulee

Preternaturally Orange, 16×20 metal, $320

Preternaturally Orange

Winter at Soda Lake, 12×24 metal, $288

Winter at Soda Lake

As the Crow Flies, 16×24 metal, $384

As the crow flies

Frenchman Falls & Stream, 16×20 metal, $320

Frenchman Falls & Stream

Dance of the Shooting Stars, 12×18 metal, $220

Dance of the Shooting Stars

Ice Age flood cobbles, 12×18 metal, $220

Ice Age flood cobbles

New Year’s Day, 24×30 metal, $720

New Year’s Day

String Theory, 20×30 metal, $600

String Theory

Unreasonably Orange, 16×20 metal, $320

Unreasonably Orange

Storm Tracks, 10×20 metal, $200

Storm Tracks