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The Witt Standard
Spokane’s Margaret Witt made legal history when she took the Air Force and the U.S. Justice Department to court over ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and won. The now-retired Air Force Major and her partner, Laurie Johnson, talk about the trials in and out of the courtroom, and how adversity enriched their lives.
Sleepless summer nights with the architects of the Christian Coalition.
By Jamie Borgan (originally published on 9.06.09)
As summertime wanes to a close my biological mojo has been disrupted.
Despite running and playing this summer with the intensity of a sixth grader aware that her carefree days as ruler of the elementary school playground are ending with every late summer rotation of the earth, and despite peppering busy outside play with work, travel, weed-pulling, cooking, and all around busy-ness, I have spent the past month NOT sleeping.
Erasing Prop. 1
How Mayor David Condon is deleting the voices of Spokane voters on police oversight.
By Tim Connor (Nov. 9, 2013)
In February of 2013, Spokane voters were filling out their ballots on Proposition 1, an initiative advanced by the Spokane city council to amend the city charter. Continue reading Erasing Prop. 1